Channel: 新思惟人文空間 Sincewell Gallery
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新秀展覽【 兔子夢遊仙境】林裕家個展 20131101-1231 at 帕莎蒂娜烘焙坊 文化店


Bunny’s Fantasy-兔子夢遊仙境」系列,房間裡看似可愛歡樂的兔子娃娃 ,在十二點過後在半夢半醒間開始祕密活動,放空的泡澡; 憂鬱的被沖入大海; 靜靜地看電視; 參加邪惡的聚會,沉思在兔子自己不為人知的世界。以兔子無邪的假像活在人們渾沌的世界如同我們所處的現實生活, 在配合大家期望和價值所營造的面具,及壓抑的真實自我中漸漸失控。

Inside Bunnys Fantasies, you will find rooms seemingly fill with cheerful rabbits, but they begin to secretly wander around after midnight; youll find them soaking themselves in baths; washes into the ocean; secretly watches TV; joining evil gatherings; where they submerged into a secret world amongst themselves.
 The rabbits were disguised under masks painted with happiness, but in reality, they live in an intense and twisted world that we are in today. They suppress their true selves under peoples expectations and slowly get out of control.


Yu-Chia has studied art and jewelry from United States and United Kingdom. Exposed to different cultural influences and different areas of study, which allowed her to compose a series of artwork across opposite end of the spectrum. She excels at using collage, transfer printing, and greasepaint to construct her work; you can be easily drawn into little strange adventures hidden underneath the colorful appearance. Viewers often enter a realm fill with fantasies and delusion. Yu-Chia likes to streamline her work through series of associations, where she begins from a single node and creatively expand outwards. She was able to build stories through the imaginary space within her art, which subconsciously creates footprints with numerous possibilities.

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